Frequently asked questions About the

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Privacy of the videos is in the hands of the uploader unless they grant the Federation permission to use the video.
When videos are uploaded, the step-by-step wizard provides an option for the uploader to grant permission for the video to be posted – OR NOT.
Showcased videos may identify the performer just as a child celebrity or actor is identified in their performances.
Obviously, those who do not grant approval for publication will not be able to be one of the published finalists.

Yes. Winners' videos will be showcased on the Soo Bahk Do® Institute as performances exemplary of Moo Duk Kwan® quality standards and emphasizing the unity of World Moo Duk Kwan practitioners.

Selected performances will be showcased on the Soo Bahk Do Institute. There may be a special section for them, they could be grouped into a special subscription collection, or they could be individually marked with a badge indicating them as exemplary performances and mixed in with other technical reference videos. For example, there might be the existing TAC technical reference video of a hyung performance by a TAC member that is the official example of Moo Duk Kwan standards and there might also be the same hyung performance by a Young Warrior which is designated as an official youth technical reference performance exemplifying Moo Duk Kwan standards for younger practitioners.  These matters are still in flux and yet to be determined.

An international team of reviewers will view all the auditions at some point in time to select finalists.
Due to International coordination and covid circumstances across different countries, the final deadline is fluid.
The USA has set June 30 as the new current target.

Auditions are open to World Moo Duk Kwan members

  • 4-7 yrs old (Yu Chi Bu) [Pre-school]
  • 8-12 yrs old (A Dong Bu) [Elementary School]
  • 13-18 yrs old (Hak Seng Bu) [Middle/High School]

World Moo Duk Kwan invites practitioners worldwide in the following age ranges to submit multiple video auditions to be considered for inclusion in the World Moo Duk Kwan Young Warrior Showcase.

  • 4-7 yrs old (Yu Chi Bu), [Pre-school]
  • 8-12 yrs old (A Dong Bu), [Elementary School ]
  • 13-18 yrs old (Hak Seng Bu), [Middle/High School]

Eligible students may submit up to two video performances of any Hyung that is within the practitioner’s rank requirements.

National review committees in each country will consider each audition with finalists submitted to WMDK Zone committees for consideration.

Selected Zone finalists will be submitted to the Soo Bahk Do® Institute for World evaluation as being performances exemplary of Moo Duk Kwan® quality standards and emphasizing the unity of World Moo Duk Kwan practitioners.

Selected winners shall be showcased on the Soo Bahk Do® Institute in a special Young Warrior Section.

Winners will receive special recognition of their achievement.


The goal of the Young Warrior Showcase is to seek out and acquire the best possible technical performances from the most skilled younger practitioners so those performances can be showcased on the Soo Bahk Do® Institute as performances that best exemplify Moo Duk Kwan® expectations and standards for younger practitioners.

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